Tag Archives: Home Consultant

Made in America…The Longaberger Company

Baskets for Storage

Buying “Made in America” products is the newest and coolest bandwagon to jump on.  However, Made in America is so much more than a fad.  It is the fabric that this country is woven from…It is one of the ways we express our inalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  We are a free people whom should we have courage enough to pursue a dream, a vision or a concept we can make a difference in our life, the lives our family members and our community.  If enough people buy into this concept and begin to truly support American companies that produce and distribute products made in America we can put countless Americans back to work.

I have decided to dedicate one blog posting each week to a “Made In America”Company.

Baskets for Storage

I have an unusual attraction to handmade baskets. Each basket is a work of art.  My eye is drawn to them like a moth to a flame.   I love the unique patterns that the basket weavers use to construct their incredibly versatile crafts.

I have many baskets scattered around the house.  I have one basket that I am particularly fond of and wish I knew more about it.  It is a recent acquisition but it is far from being new.  There are other baskets scattered throughout our home that serve as storage containers for a multitude of things but they also add texture to every room in the house.  I have a basket I purchased from a basket weaving company in East Texas that holds my napkins and  eating utensils when we set up a buffet line for a party.  I have a basket next to the bed that I purchased from a market vendor that holds books and papers .  I have a basket that holds everything that I need for my morning routine; hair products, toothbrush, deodorant and perfume.  My laundry room shelves are filled with baskets that hold everything from puppy treats and light bulbs to extra batteries and bird seed.

The history of basket making dates back to the early evolution of mankind.  “Fruit and vegetables were gathered from the fields into baskets; fish, poultry and dairy produce were all packed into wicker for the journey to the town markets. Jobs requiring the transport of bulky materials such as manure or rubble needed baskets, and not only were rural items such as animal muzzles, bird traps and beer strainers made of willow, but so were the travelling trunks, hat boxes and umbrella holders of the well-to-do.”

Baskets for Storage

The first company I have decided to highlight is the Longaberger Company.  The Longaberger Company is a Ohio based premier maker of handcrafted baskets.  The Longaberger Company was founded in 1973 by Dave Longaberger based on his families basket making heritage.  Longaberger has several factory stores but the bulk of their sales comes from the hard work of thousands of home consultants.  The Longaberger Company makes it possible for the Men and Women of America to pursue their dreams of having their own home based business while supporting an American company while selling a product made in America.  I wonder how many American jobs this company creates?

This company is a true Made in America company.  I hope if you are in the market for a new basket to hold your knitting needles, manuscripts, journals or hair ribbons that you will look into purchasing from The Longaberger Company.  Go ahead and buy into the fad and jump on the bandwagon and buy a Made in America product.  You will be glad you did.

Baskets for Storage

By the way…I do own quite a few baskets. However, I do not know if I have a Longaberger.  But I will be sure to purchase at least one before the year is over!!!

Do you have a favorite basket?  Do you have a Longaberger Basket?


Filed under Made in America